The Blog

The Balancing Act: Holding Truth and Love Together
We’ve probably all been there. . .your dinner conversation goes from casual to controversial, and someone’s comment nudges your inner convictions. You know you disagree, but as you watch the nodding and affirming faces around the table, you freeze.
Does this scenario sound familiar?
In moments like these, we wrestle with questions like. . . Do I voice my opinion and risk being misunderstood—or worse—seen as hateful or judgmental? Or do I silently nod along, waiting for the topic to pass? How can I faithfully respond in moments like this? How do I balance both truth and love?
Faith involves tension—sometimes balancing two seemingly opposing things at the same time. It asks us to keep our hearts set on eternity and our feet planted firmly where we are. Faith commands us to fiercely love those who may believe differently than us and seek to transform the culture around us.
God’s Purpose for You Here and Now
As exiles on earth, we long for our heavenly home, the eternity with Jesus we were created for. This longing should impact our perspective, hearts, and actions. But we aren’t supposed to isolate ourselves from the world around us. God’s perfect providence and divine will have placed us in this very time, place, and cultural landscape. It’s not a coincidence.
God has a purpose for you right here, right now! He intentionally crafted who you are and positioned you where you are to know Him and make Him known to those around you.
How to Live Well and Love Differently
The tensions that exist between culture and the people of God aren’t easy to navigate—but they’re also nothing new. Jesus and His disciples experienced them too. This is not to suggest that it’s us versus them—the people of God against everyone else. Through His words and life, Jesus shared His hope for us. He called us to be different, countercultural, salt, and light. And this is His invitation for you today, right where you are.
Easier said than done. We’ve probably all seen this done poorly—shaming another in the name of “truth,” pushing them further from the love of Jesus rather than drawing them in. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can love those around us and live true to our convictions. We can love well and live differently.
If you want to answer this call, join us for Conviction: Loving Well, Living Differently, Part Five in our Faithful Living series!
In this final study, we explore God’s Word to discover how we can live faithfully within the tension of culture and a lifestyle devoted to Jesus. Discover how to be light and love in the world—even when your faith and your culture are at odds.
Dive into Conviction today!