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3 Tips for Staying in the Word When You’re Busy

The years at home with little ones. The months after a sought-after promotion. The semesters of working to put yourself through school. The weeks picking up extra jobs to make ends meet.

Whatever your season of busyness looks like, know this—it’s okay to embrace this season for what it is and adapt accordingly. You don’t need to shame yourself because you don’t have as much time as you used to—or wish you had—to study God’s Word! He will meet you right where you are, and He always honors the genuine desire to be rooted in Scripture and grow closer to Him.

Want to find ways to get into God’s Word even when you’re busy? Try these three tips!

  1. Identify any pockets of free time left in your schedule.

    Do you spend 10 minutes or more commuting to and from work each morning and evening? Is Sunday afternoon usually blank on your calendar? Are lunch breaks typically an opportunity to stop hustling for 15 minutes and just be?

    Brainstorm how you might repurpose these moments to spend time seeking God in Scripture. An afternoon walk may be an opportunity to work on memorizing a short verse, or lunch breaks may double as a chance to read a psalm.

    Tip: If you’re having trouble identifying free pockets of time in your schedule, check your phone’s report of your screen time! When do you usually get on social media, play games, or watch YouTube? These are free pockets of time! Consider when and how you might be able to replace scrolling with Scripture.

  2. Be okay with consuming the Word in new ways.

    When life gets busy, it’s not always possible to spend 30 minutes per day sitting in a quiet place marking your Bible and utilizing the inductive study method in depth. In seasons like these, it helps to be flexible in how you consume Scripture and give yourself grace. This season won’t last forever, and thankfully, we live in a time and place where the Bible is more accessible to us than ever!

    If you’re looking for a way to be rooted in God’s Word without keeping a strict Bible study schedule, you can try reading a psalm a day and praying it back to God or listening to the Bible while driving or loading the dishwasher. Consuming a smaller amount of Scripture in your Bible study time—that you can actually digest and take to heart—will be a greater blessing to you than having to skim several chapters because you don’t have enough time to really soak in what you’re reading.

    And amazingly, the more Scripture we consume, the more our appetite increases. Just starting your Bible reading plan can be a battle, but it’s so worth it!

    Short on time but still want to study Scripture, not just read it? Download the Yarrow app for a new 5-minute interactive Bible study every single day! Available in the Apple Store and Google Play.

  3. Remember that Scripture is powerful—even in bite-sized portions.

    Just as God provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness (Exodus 16), today He provides believers with spiritual nourishment through His Word. Through reading and meditating on Scripture, we learn more about Jesus, the Bread of Life (John 6), and grow closer to Him.

    And it doesn’t matter whether we consume four chapters of the Bible a day or two verses—whenever we seek God through His Word wholeheartedly, He draws near to us and sustains us (Jeremiah 29:13).

    When life gets busy and moments to spend reading and meditating on Scripture seem few and far between, remember: God’s Word is powerful! Even when you have less time than you wish you had to read and study it.

    Here are a few words from Jesus to meditate on as you seek the Lord and His voice amidst busyness:

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
    John 10:27

    But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
    Matthew 4:4

    Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
    Matthew 7:24

    As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
    Luke 8:15

    But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”
    Luke 11:28

    Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
    Mark 13:31


I want to read the Bible. Where should I start?

With 66 books, the Bible is a treasure trove of wisdom and encouragement. But it can be hard to figure out what to read and when. Here’s some good news for us when we’re in a busy season—dozens of books of the Bible can be read in a half-hour or less! Many can even be read in just twenty minutes.

If you’re feeling stuck with how to start a Bible study reading plan, try these options.

  1. If you’re new to the Bible or are just looking to rediscover who Jesus is, you can start with one of the Gospels. We love the Gospel of John because of its rich theology and detailed accounts of Jesus’ life and love for us. You can start with a chapter a day and read the entire book in 21 days!

  2. Trace a foundational theme, like identity or faithful living, throughout Scripture with a Yarrow study! Explore entire passages of Scripture with a study that fits your schedule and applies to your actual life. Find the best Bible study for you by visiting the Yarrow shop.

When I do have time to read God’s Word, I get distracted by all the other things I have to do. What can I pray to help focus my mind on Scripture?

At Yarrow, we love praying God’s Word back to God. When we’re not sure how to pray, there are so many prayers in Scripture that we can use to express our hearts to God!

Here are a few prayers inspired by Psalm 119, a psalm all about Scripture, to pray before reading or studying the Bible.

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.
Psalm 119:18

Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.
Psalm 119:34

Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!
Psalm 119:36

Looking for more? Every Yarrow study includes guided prayers to help you start a conversation with God and tell Him what’s on your mind.

This is biblical! In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us a model for how to pray (commonly called the Lord’s Prayer). When the words just won’t come, we think it’s helpful when someone else’s words can give voice to what’s on your heart at a given moment. Shop inductive Bible studies in the Yarrow shop today.

Daily Bible reading is part of my rhythm, even though I’m busy, but I want to pray more. What are some ways to incorporate prayer into my personal Bible study plan?

We might feel like prayer needs to be set aside for a special time, in a specific place—but the truth is, we can pray anywhere! There are so many ways to pray, even when our schedules are booked.

Here are two ways to pray more even when you’re busy.

  • Breath prayer is an ancient form of prayer that helps us center our hearts and minds and abide in Christ. Usually made up of eight to ten syllables—short enough to fit into an inhale and exhale—breath prayers are a wonderful way to practice prayer in your Bible study time. For example…

    1. Inhale
    2. Jesus…
    3. Exhale
    4. Be near to me.

    Breath prayers can be a simple plea for help, a quick declaration of praise, or a quick interaction with God. It’s God’s breath in our lungs that gives us life—and we can use this breath to grow closer to Him throughout the day.

  • Practicing gratitude. Start trying to make a habit of thanking God for the good things in your life, both big and small. For example, when your favorite ice cream is in stock…when the test results come back negative for sickness…when you’re on time to a meeting…when you see a sunrise or sunset—practice expressing your gratitude to the Lord, audibly or in your heart.

God’s Word > Your Busyness

Friend, it’s okay that some seasons are busier than others—and it’s okay if Bible study looks different at these times. No matter how busy you are, God knows your heart. When your heart’s desire is to be rooted in Scripture and grow in Christ, He sees this—and smiles!

Whether you have 10 minutes on the way to and from work, five minutes on a lunch break at school, or 20 minutes while exercising or before bed—any time you spend in God’s Word is worth it. Through Scripture, God will speak to you, share His love with you, direct your paths, and sustain you.

Even if your calendar is fuller than ever—even if you can’t read several chapters of the Bible a day—even if you only have a few moments to spare—you can be rooted in Scripture and growing in Christ.

Let’s seek the Lord in His Word together! Dig into Scripture with Yarrow today.

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